Render a list of all files making up a given application

%REVINFO{ " $date - $hour:$min " rev=" IF{ "%NATMAXREV%!=%CURREV%" then="%CURREV%" }: Syntax error in '%NATMAXREV%!=%CURREV%' at '%NATMAXREV%!=%CURREV%' " topic="Applications.RenderApplicationManifest" }% | Version 1 |


  • NAME: name of WikiApplication, defaults to BASEWEB
  • THEWEB: web where the application is located, defaults to BASEWEB


  • twbManifestHolder


<div class="twbManifestHolder">
  "WikiApplication='%NAME{default="%EXTRACT{text="%BASEWEB%" pattern=".*/(.+?)$" format="$1"}%"}%'"
  header="| *#* | *Name* | *Type* |$n"
  format="| $index | [[$web.$topic][<nop>$topic]] | $formfield(TopicType) |
| | $formfield(Summary) ||"


# Name Type
1 ApplicationLicense TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a license for wiki applications
2 ApplicationTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a part of an application
3 ApplicationTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Editor for ApplicationTopics
4 ApplicationTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicView for ApplicationTopics
5 AtomViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  View for the atom feeds
6 DataForm TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  form definition for structured wiki content
7 DataFormAttribute TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  value definition for formfields in a DataForm
8 DocuTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  application documentation
9 FirstSteps DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  What's next: first steps after creating a new workbench web
10 FormEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicView to edit the DataForm only
11 GetTopicTypes TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  returns a list of TopicTypes known in the base web
12 GnuGeneralPublicLicense ApplicationLicense, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Standard Open Source License
13 HiddenFormViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  View to hide System.DataForms
14 LexiconForm DataForm, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  DataForm for WebLexicon entries
15 RenderApplicationDocumentation TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Extracts the documentation section from all parts of a WikiApplication
16 RenderApplicationManifest TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render a list of all files making up a given application
17 RenderDataFormList TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders a list of DataForms that make use of the given DataFormAttribute
18 RenderFunctionCallers TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render a list of topics that use a given TopicFunction
19 RenderImageSelector TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders a widget to select an image attached to a topic
20 RenderIndexItem TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Fallback to render a summary for WikiTopic that does not have a type specific version of to render an index item
21 RenderInheritanceGraph TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a directed graph of TopicType inheritance
22 RenderRecentChanges TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  renders a list of recent changes in a web
23 RenderRss TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  default implementation of an rss view of a single topic
24 RenderSideBar TopicFunction, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render the sidebar navigation for the WikiWorkbench
25 RenderSimpleTopicCreator TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicFunction to display a simple form to create a new topic
26 RenderTopicInstaller TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render a simple factory to deploy a topic in another web
27 RenderTopicThumbnail TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Display thumbnail image for a topic
28 RenderTopicsOfType TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Display a table of topcis of a given type
29 RenderWikiApplicationFactory TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders a form to create a new WikiApplication
30 RenderWikiApplicationWebHome TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders a dashboard for an application web
31 RenderWikiTopicView TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
32 RssViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  View for the rss feeds
33 TextEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicView to edit the topic text only
34 TextViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Minimal TopicView usefull to generate xml output
35 TopicFunction TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Function library
36 TopicFunctionViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicView for TopicFunctions
37 TopicStub TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a placeholder topic pointing to another one
38 TopicStubEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
39 TopicStubViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
40 TopicTemplate TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  templates for wiki topics
41 TopicType TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicType of all TopicTypes
42 TopicTypeEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Editor for TopicTypes
43 TopicView TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a topic view or edit template
44 WebHome ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Library of all WikiApplications installed on Foswiki
45 WebLexicon WebTool, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
46 WebTool TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a special page used to manage a web
47 WikiApplication TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a documentation topic for a wiki application
48 WikiTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a base topic for wiki content
49 WikiTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicView to edit a WikiTopic
50 WikiTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Generic topic view

Calls to 'RenderApplicationManifest'


© 2006-2019 Michael Daum

This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more details read the LICENSE.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
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